How to Become financially free

💰 Masterclass 💰

✋ When I polled the intuitive and intelligent women in my Advanced Manifesting group, one of their biggest desires is to become financially free.

This has been a hot topic for years, and a goal many have achieved.

- So why do some become financially free and others don't?

There are particular things people do that set them up for financial freedom. ✅✅✅

- Want to know what they are?
Register below and watch the masterclass.

+ You will also diagnose your exact identity blockers and I'll show you how to upgrade them.

Deets here 👇🏻

What you desire is possible.

Allow me to assist you in unlocking it

There is an epidemic of 40+ women who have subconscious blocks when they truly desire financial freedom.  

I'm here to help change this so that spiritual and intuitive women can finally reset their consciousness to a higher level and be financially free.

When we are constrained by hidden patterns, it's difficult to see what's stopping you. But with my P.A.C.E. process for recoding the subconscious mind, you can not only find the reason why you've been stuck, but you can repattern it.

The amazing thing is that the process works because YOU work.  

We've all had trauma, and identity blocks, but now there is a way out so that you can truly live financially free.

Cory Michelle Intl' & Conscious360, LLC - COPYRIGHT @ 2023 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 
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